Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ethical Project Management

So I been trying to pen a piece on this subject for the last few days.
Based on the last 10 years working in this software niche.
I completed four pages on it last night, but when I reviewed it this morning it all read like total stott!

So I'm gonna try again in a bit, but the highlights need to include :-

Resetting Expectations: (when you initiate the project only to find the sales weasel has over sold the gig )

Managing Expectations: (when the software ain't up to the gig, and the customer realises it)

Communication Strategy: (bad news is best told early, and its best to always tell the truth - however much that hurts)

Delivery Management: (hack the gig up into manageable chunks, that can then be discussed, agreed, controlled, & measured)

Risk Mitigation: (spend time exception planning in case it goes horribly wrong - especially around the closure of a chunk - it usually will)

Issue Management: (plan to have clean process to raise real issues -not noise- up the project chain of command, so your role for this task becomes exception management not micro management - remember you've still got a day job to do!)

Team Work: (take time to build a good team, invest in them and look after them, it will pay you dividends when you need to step up)

Ignore Random Noise: (if you happen across an MBA graduate who starts talking about, to time, to budget, to requirement. a)ignore them, b)drive round them, c)refer them to rob tomsett or the PMI schools of thought, d)look for the scars, if there are none -refer to a,b,or c, if there are -question them, they'll mostly be found wanting- then ignore them)

Other Stuff To Mention:

How much good professionalism has come into our niche in the last 10 years - where were seeing less second hand photocopier salesmen and more true professional IT customer account managers.

How support functions have become critical for all facets of the business, sales, consultancy, delivery, customer support & even senior management

More Later

Ciao for now

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